Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh - Free And Easy

Well, the first of me rambles I now will sing
Like any small bird or thrush on the wing
When the sun arose for to bless the land
Well, I was free and easy for to jog along

Well, the first place I rambled was to Derry Quay
Just a few miles distant of Ballybofey
They sat me down for to sing a song
For I was free and easy for to jog along

Well, the next place I rambled was to Glasgow green
Where lads and lassies were to be seen
But I was the blithest of all the throng
For I was free and easy for to jog along

Well, I had not gone but a very short space
When a nice, wee girl, she smiled in my face
She asked of me, am I a married man
No, I'm free and easy for to jog along

Well, I took this wee girl into an inn
There we drank brandy, strong ale and gin
She asked of me, would I give heart and hand
And give o'er free and easy for to jog along

Oh no, fair maiden, such things can't be
For I am bound for to cross the sea
When a man gets married, his race is run
He's no more free and easy for to jog along

Look at yonder stream, how it gently glides
It can go no further than it's allowed
It can go no further that it gets command
But me, I'm free and easy for to jog along